My work
These are some of the work I have participated in at school and at work.
Value of Values
Showcased in ISEA 2019 Gwangju, Bauhaus 100 Macerata, and MoCA Taipei. Shapes are created by the attendees' brainwaves and are uploaded to blockchain for attendees to barter with each other or trade for cryptocurrencies.
Copyright © 2019 Maurice Benayoun
Role: Programmer (Unreal & Unity FrontEnd revamp)
CSD VR Psychological Stimulus
Designed for the incarcerated people to practice rehabilitation skills, CSD (Correctional Services Department) VR Psychological Stimulus simulates different situations they will encounter after being released.
Copyright © 2018 Infocity IT Consulting
Role: Software Design and Programmer
Hong Kong Fire Department “Use the Ambulance Service Properly”Roving Exhibition
Showcased from 9/6/2018 in Fire Services Department roving's exhibitions around Hong Kong in coordinations by Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute. An interactive experience to teach the public the importance of summoning ambulances responsibly.
Copyright © 2018 Infocity IT Consulting
Role: Software Design and Programmer
2 players team up. Player A controls a character to move left, right and jump; Player B helps Player A by singing to raise the landscape. The location is controlled by player's B pitch and the height by loudness. Another player, C, shouts to shoot obstacles to sabotage A and B's effort.
Role: Level design and assistance in programming
Trackwork training program. Player has to perform the specific procedures to carry out track work.
Copyright © 2018 Infocity IT Consulting
Role: Software Design and Programmer
Role: Programmer